
Number No Title Author Date
Notice 코로나 지침 안내 GGS 2022.08.11
Notice 24-25 GGS Academic Calendar GGS 2022.05.31
Notice 결석계,지각계,조퇴계,체험학습허가원/소감문, 초등 투약의뢰서 GGS 2021.08.20
Notice 월간급식메뉴 GGS 2018.09.10
Notice 학생생활규정 안내 GGS 2018.08.19
343 [19-07-26] Summer School End Date GGS 2019.07.26
342 MAP Test, Mobymax 도입 안내 GGS 2019.07.23
341 교육부 후원 <제18회 대한민국 독서토론⋅논술대회> GGS 독서부 본선 진출! GGS 2019.07.11
340 [19-07-01] Summer School Start Date GGS 2019.07.11
339 [19-06-28] Class of 2019 Graduation Ceremony GGS 2019.07.11
338 [19-06-27] Elementary School - End of year celebration GGS 2019.07.11
337 [19-06-26] Middle/High School Senior Day GGS 2019.07.11
336 [19-06-26] Elementary School Essay Day GGS 2019.07.11
335 GGS 전국 한국미술교육진흥회 주최 미술대회 입상 GGS 2019.06.24
334 [19-06-24] 2019 Spring Semester Final exam Schedule GGS 2019.06.24