Elementary School

At Gyeonggi Global School (GGS),
we believe that the best learning occurs
in elementary students when they approach subject matter
with a positive mindset and gain awareness of their strengths
while incorporating interactive learning components.

We recognize that the needs of our students vary greatly. In each class, our instruction adjusts accordingly, based on each student's interests, preferences, strengths, and struggles. This provides our students with opportunities to learn, grow, and enjoy their time at school.

Our core curriculum consists of Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and English Language Arts. By utilizing Common Core State Standards, students focus on building the foundation for a well-rounded education that revolves around a rigorous set of research-backed skills and knowledge.

In addition, our elementary curriculum promotes and supports self-confidence, cooperative learning, community awareness, leadership, and the application of cognitive skills to real-life situations through various extracurricular classes such as art, music, reading, writing, speaking, Chinese, PE, and club. This foundation is essential in preparing students academically, socially, and personally for their continued educational success, as well as when they ultimately enter into international universities overseas.
By the end of elementary school, our goal is to have instilled into our students an approach toward learning that understands and appreciates the process of learning, encourages independent critical thinking, and inspires creative problem solving.

- Christmas Decor Day
- Culture Day
- Earth Day
- Easter
- Essay Day
- Field Trips
- Fire Drill
- Graduation Ceremony
- Open House
- Pajama Day
- Parent-Teacher Conference Week
- Parents as Teachers Day
- Presentation Day
- Safety Education
- Science Week
- Sex Education(G3-5)
- SNS Education
- Speech Day
- Sports Day
- Student Counseling Week
- Volunteer Day
- Writing Day

Club Activities
- AI
- Art
- Badminton
- Chinese Calligraphy
- Cooking
- Escape Room
- Football
- Golf
- History of Board Games
- Movie
- Nanoblocks
- Newsletter
- Orchestra
- Programming
- Punch Needle
- Quiz Game
- Soccer
- Young Investor Society