
Number No Title Author Date
Notice [22-08-18] 장학금규정 안내 GGS 2022.08.18
Notice [24-08-02] 환불규정 안내 GGS 2022.02.08
Notice [20-05-18] Math Calculator 구매 안내 (G9~G11) GGS 2020.05.18
451 [20-03-05] 2. Getepic (Ebook) instructions (홈페이지) (Elementary School) GGS 2020.03.05
450 [20-03-05] 3. Getepic (Ebook) instructions (어플) (Elementary School) GGS 2020.03.05
449 [20-03-05] 4. Mobymax 사용 방법 안내 (Elementary School) GGS 2020.03.05
448 [20-02-21] Middle,High School Club Activity GGS 2020.02.21
447 [20-02-21] 방과 후 TOEFL,SAT 수업 안내 (Middle,High School) GGS 2020.02.21
446 [20-02-21] 방과 후 Violin 수업 안내 (Elementary,Middle School) GGS 2020.02.21
445 [20-01-29] Information Letter to Parents (February, Elementary School ) GGS 2020.01.29
444 [20-01-29] Information Letter to Parents (February, Middle&High School ) GGS 2020.01.29
443 [19-11-29] 2020 Spring Semester Volunteer Activity Week Information (Middle, High School) GGS 2019.11.29
442 [19-11-27] Information Letter to Parents (December, Middle&High School ) GGS 2019.11.27